I may be wrong but Jack seems to have explained the pressures of Twitter. He did it as recently as Nostrica, when someone asked how Nostr could avoid the mistakes Twitter made. And Jack practically explained how the incentives made twitter what it was. And coincidentally nothing has changed despite Twitter gettin a new owner. So theres that.
Came here to say this. Someone asked him directly about this at Nostrica, and Jack did a great job explaining his reasons for everything, with a slightly apologetic tone.
I think OP's being a bit too critical.
I may have mistated some facts out of ignorance, for this I sincerely apologise, but I think this needed to be discussed.
It's great to hear what happened at Nostrica and I'm sure Jack is a great guy. I regret not clarifying this in my post.
I thank God I never had to wear his shoes!
For people who are curious there is a video of it here i linked to the timestamp where he is "confronted".
It seems they were trapped in a model that could only produce a certain outcome.
He made a similar comment once, in a public discussion with Elon, and lamented that when Twitter started, there was no Bitcoin, so they had limited options...
I like your openness to change your mind if exposed to more information.
Unfortunately, that is not self-explanatory nowadays.
Yea, discussion is always good, so I'm glad you posted. Not trying to slander you or anything by saying you may be a bit too critical. I'm probly too critical of a lot of certain celebs & politicians myself.
I probly wouldn't have commented if I hadn't been at Nostrica and met Jack myself. He came across as someone with a fuckton of integrity. He seemed very grounded, and humble. There's a side to him (that most business or tech people don't have) that I can only describe as "spiritual". But that's just my subjective feeling... meeting someone once doesn't mean shit, so maybe I'm wrong.