This is a repost of "BTC mining & security in a marginal cost of energy effecively = 0 world?" (IIUC, I messed up the original up by forwarding proceeds to @K00b)
Teslas Master plan ( expressly states an effectively zero marginal cost of energy as one of their goals. Tesla has not done so well on timeline predictions at times, but thus far, they have an unparalleled record at eventually accomplishing what they set out to do.
Has there been or is there any ongoing discussion of how the Bitcoin Network could and would be secured in a world of abundant electricity?
There are so many variables, that any prediction would of course be just a prediction, but has there been work done with this potential scenario in mind?
It was pointed out to me that Internet (bandwidth, connection) costs would not be zero, as would be the case with mining hardware. How would this affect incentives? More to the point, would the BTC network still be secure enough on an ongoing basis?
Cheaper power = higher hashrate, so I don’t understand how that would hurt security.
What is free? What is cost? To find the Cost of something you need to use a salable monetary unit of account.
These units are considered money, and money is used to transfer value.
Bitcoin is decentralized permission-less money based on energy.
Bitcoin = Energy Value is subjective.
Because Bitcoin is ethical money- supply and demand will result in lower prices over time, regardless of what Tesla does.
As Bitcoin becomes the standard, the Cost of energy will continue to decrease as technology and efficiency improves.
This does not and will not happen with fiat money, no matter how fancy the next magic trick is from spacex.
There is always energy involved in everything we do and create, so there will always be a cost to move the energy around.
The unit of account and hardness of the monetary system is what determines if we get to enjoy the advancement of technology and efficiency or not.
🕳️🐇 In that future a single Satoshi might be worth $100,000,000 of today’s USG Dollars- and the people living there would still zap and tip each other without a second thought.