I am engaging normieland and was wonder if someone has a list of all lies and manipulation spread by this fiat propaganda outlet.
Wait! I found a list.
There is a big difference between being dead wrong and actively lying.
The first example of the communist genocide in Ukraine / Holodomor is a good example. Obviously the NYT wasn't lying in order to defend the Commies. We just didn't know. The iron curtain was hard to look through and it was hard to differentiate fact from propaganda and rumors. They were dead wrong, embarrassing for the NYT but no malice here.
I have to disagree. The New York Times Moscow correspondent was Walter Duranty. He became known as Stalin's apologist. He famously said of Stalin's mass executions "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." The New York Times was filled with communist sympathizers(it still is) who actively sought to assist the Soviet Union. Check out this book.
The New York Times Moscow correspondent was Walter Duranty. He became known as Stalin's apologist.
I would not call that scenario "lying" either. That's the textbook definition of being mislead. No malice here.
I don't want to argue that the NYT is biased. Of course they are. But sympathizing with literally commies is a bit of bold claim, don't you think?
Remember, the world was a different place in the 20s and 30s. New York was a hotbed of communist thought. There is also no doubt in my mind that the New York Times was actively engaged in lying. Duranty lived in Moscow post revolution. He was aware of the reality
HAHAHA. That's a pretty bad record.
Krugman's column had enough to require a book length rebuttal and subsequently support an entire podcast.
Search for the book "The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times's Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History"
A list? Too many to practically list. I think a few whoppers might be effective. For instance, The coverage of Iraq's "Weapons of mass destruction", Assad's alleged chemical attack on children, Wuhan "wet market" crap. Who's got time to pick them all out?
Go back a bit further and look at their coverage of the Soviet Union famines.
That's #1 on the list I posted.
Good! I hadn't looked at the list yet.
Fox News' amount of lies/clear lying to mislead the right wing base are significantly higher and more damaging. I know good people who fell into the cult-like lying by Fox and other right wing propaganda outlets.
Power struggles use left right center top bottom so ppl can "belong" to the banner of their choosing. In reality they just pick form the limited options that are made available so an illusion of freedom by limited curated choice can help tame the flock.
Did you think that my post was contest? I really don't give a fuck about FOX, the thing is they didn't put the hit piece, it was NYT.
lies are good .... no-coiners will see FUD over and over and they believe it .... once Bitcoin hits ATH then they question everything they heard and will go into the rabbit hole
Price is the signal, everything else is factually noise :)