“Don't concede the frame to your opponents. They want you to argue that Bitcoin is better for emissions, because then your attack surface gets much larger, even if you win that particular battle.
Hold the line much further forward and argue that Bitcoin is better money than the wasteful, unjust, and decivilizing force of fiat money.”
Also, switch the argument from the usage of the energy to the sourcing of the energy. Emissions are not generated at the last-mile.
Energy scarcity is a backwards mentality. We don't want less energy, we want more.
Corruption and crime are involved in all massive historical environmental disasters. Number one most profitable crime is a ponzi scheme.
Good point. If you frame it solely in energy without explaining Bitcoin's utility, then you will lose no matter what because people will see any energy used on something worthless as a waste. We need to show why it is so important to society, and then energy is a far smaller consideration in people's cost benefit analysis.
Very true. I can see this happening already.