I would like to agree with you but I think you are going a bit overboard.
If people just demand to be paid in BTC, that will also just fix this "spending issue".
So no, bitcoin won't lose just because not enough people spend it. Not enough people ask to be paid in bitcoin.
Basically this: #164622
The way you phrase your comments here sound like: "my way or the highway"
people new to Bitcoin - will ask to be paid in bitcoin only if they see it's utilized this way by people already having it ("ok, let's try it, then...")
I think people new to bitcoin have a lot of stuff to learn and get used to before caring about this. I would consider getting paid in bitcoin to be one of the last steps to become a "true bitcoin maxi".
Btw... we are on SN. Aren't we spending our sats already with tipping?
In fact, I just spent one sat to post this comment.