airports, the most surveilled places in an already hypersurveilled world... thus the only people who can tinker with the outlets are the airport... and the FBI/CIA/etc.
And as a targeted attempt to break into a phone, it's useless, as you can't predict who will charge their phones at the airport outlets.
As a delivery mechanism to surveil all the phones, it's conversely too small a group - and also useless, as the phones are hypersurveilled anyway.
So what's with the fearmongering? Why? Just to feed the clicks at exploitation media, inc.?
Nice try
The job of the FBI is to keep people in a mild state of fear and yes the MSM is very much an arm of the FBI :) So now they want people to be fearful when they see a public USB charging port! They are everywhere so its genius. They want to imprint an image of a hacker in your mind every time you see a public charging port now. Why? Because people who are in a mild state of fear are easier to exploit! They tend to not ask questions and so on. But lets see.
I should trust the FBI because?
Exactly. This is some kind of reverse psychology mind game operation.