More. Of. This. Please.
This is the true spirit of the bitcoin community.
We need critical thinking and opposing viewpoints. The echo chamber is real. The blind spots are real.
Guys - bitcoin is going to face off against **The Most Powerful Government / Military In The World ™ **. That’s unprecedented. That’s not going to be pretty.
As bitcoin is adopted, hacking is going to be increasingly incentivized. If everyone has a hot wallet, then a successful hack or phish is an instant irreversible monetary reward. That’s unprecedented. That’s not going to be pretty.
If bitcoin wins, it’s not going to go well for A LOT OF PEOPLE.
There’s serious potential if not certainty for mass social unrest.
It’s possible to be a bitcoin sheep. Don’t be.
That being said, a few quick thoughts:
It’s less important that lightning is non-custodial since you can withdraw to the blockchain almost instantly, and if you deal in small amounts. That being said, it’d be great if non-custodial wallets could implement something like an LNURL. That’d make lightning self custody instantly more scalable. It’s a problem that needs to be solved.
Bitcoin still beats the US Gov in the end, and if it takes 70+ years, I’ll still be proud to have been a part of it.
It comes down to the fact that it’s a finite, scalable, immutable store of value, and the bitcoin network is global. It’s here to stay, which means in the end, it wins.
The 200 WMA says a lot, and so does the hash rate over time.