It's pretty clear the ECB are shit scared of Bitcoin as it takes away their monetary control. This article is co written by the former Head of Risk Management for 4 years at the ECB, which says it all.
Es hat sich ein Konsens herausgebildet, dass Bitcoin sein ursprüngliches Ziel, eine Währung zu sein, nicht erreicht. Er ist viel zu volatil, um die klassischen Funktionen von Geld zu erfüllen: Rechnungseinheit, Zahlungsmittel, Wertaufbewahrung. Und auch nur als Zahlungsmittel ist es zu ineffizient.
A consensus has emerged that Bitcoin is not achieving its original goal of being a currency. It is far too volatile to fulfil the classic functions of money: unit of account, means of payment, store of value. And even as a means of payment, it is too inefficient.
Was is this "consensus"? Maybe the consensus of these two ECB employees.
Fiat currency is the biggest rug-pull in human history.