When The Bitcoin Company will really be a Bitcoin company and not pushing users back to fiat? You should rename it The VISA Company. The company should promote use of Bitcoin directly with the merchants, not pushing back the users into visa cards... Using those visa cards is NOT bitcoin adoption... is a continuous support for fiat.
Hilarious that you advocate for self-custody LN but in the same time you push users to use fiat with VISA cards. That doesn't add up consistency.
Very few merchants take bitcoin. You can larp about it all day but I live the real world. There are thousands of people who never touch fiat besides for 1 second between buying a gift card and giving it to the merchant.
Man, I am literally living on Bitcoin Standard from 2018. No more fiat here. Only US people live in fiat standard and VISA slaves., Fucking debt slaves
How do you do it, help me