I strongly disagree.
Bitcoin is political in the sense that EVERYTHING is political, or can be made into a political issue. And, it will absolutely disrupt the current political system.
Money should not be political, but fiat inherently is, just like religion should not be political, but the church inherently used to be.
Think about separation of church and state. Religion is apolitical, but separation of church and state was probably considered highly political.
It’s the same for separation of money and state. Money is apolitical, but separation of money and state is highly political.
Church-goers might generally find themselves in the same area of the political spectrum, but that doesn’t make church inherently political (although many pastors warp church into something political anyway).
Bitcoin is raw mathematical information. It’s a simple ledger of “who owns what”. It is certainly a societal force, but it is not inherently political.
The fact that bitcoin is apolitical is exactly why it needs to and will win.
This is a good topic and I appreciate the thoughts!