As I dive further into Bitcoin, I've come to realise that I'll never reach the point of full safety set by the high standards of Bitcoin maxi's. I still need to set up multisig airgapped cold storage, set up a LN node to provide routing channels, have a seperate non-KYC wallet for my sats, and even finish reading "The Bitcoin Standard". There are entire libraries of material to dig into, hundreds of podcasts to listen to, all while monitoring ongoing developments in this space. There's so much to do, and so much to learn, and sometimes it feels like I'll never be able to fully understand...
And I honestly love it.
This venture into Bitcoin has taught me infinitely more about how the world operates today, the glaring issues with data security, the unbelievable debasement of fiat cash saving by the powers that be, and so much more than I could have ever imagined.
Thanks to my attempted maximalism I have switched to linux and learned a ton about how computer systems work, and I'm so much more mindful about only having what I need on my PC, and nothing more.
I have altered my way of life thanks to Bitcoin. I used to give in so easily to targeted marketing and full-on consumerism, and I honestly would have fought to protect a system that sees me as economic livestock.
No longer. Once you've realized it you simply cannot go back to living that way again.
Thank you, BTC maxi's, you've had a profound impact on my life, and definitely for the positive. Proud to (some day soon) be one of you! :)
Check out Unchained’s multisig vault. It’s a lot simpler than it seems.
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll look into it for sure!
is this some kind of psyop?
Just celebrating the complexity of all of this so far.
How come?
Dude, life is a journey. Be a lifelong learner. Keep your eyes and ears oprn. Stay awake. Stay curious. Its the only way to live.