Wrote and posted my first post on SN last night before going to bed; thinking I would get some response, feedback, and/or discussion. Woke up just now to see the post sank to the depths of SN without anyone touching it. I guess I really suck at writing... but will still try again nonetheless. Have a nice day everyone!
Keep working and keep it real.
Definitely keep at it. It can take some time to figure out what people actually want to read. What most of us want here is to learn something we don't know.
In general, comments are more likely to be seen and appreciated than posts if only because the OP is notified.
I do comment on other posts, but at the same time also want to write some original posts to share some of my thoughts on topics I’m interested. Thank you for your comment.
That's happened to everyone. Then one of these days you'll write some impromptu post you don't even think about and they'll rain 50,000 sats on your head like it's nothing
I think it also depends on the time you are posting. It was at 7AM UTC. Maybe a lot of people are still sleeping at this time.
I am not sure though. I wanted to do some data science regarding this but haven't yet.
I can also imagine that a lot of people here are already pretty convinced that PoW is better than PoS so they might not click on a post like this.
However, don't be intimidated! Don't hesitate to click at people's profiles and see what they are posting. You will be surprised how many "famous" people here post stuff which have no comments or sats because not everything they post gets attention. There are just occasional "bangers". Just look at https://stacker.news/DarthCoin/posts. Not everything he posts is "good" but he definitely posts good stuff.
@DarthCoin, sorry to pick you as an example haha
Wondering what time zone the majority of SN users are located? My assumption is that everyone is spread all over the globe.
Yes, people here are probably not interested in the PoW vs PoS debate anymore and that the topic had been exhausted. Will explore some other topics in the future.
Thank you for your advice.
It would be cool to see the relationship between sats stacked and time posted across the site.