pull down to refresh

It doesn't work. I search "darthcoin" and show no results. And should. Almost all my guides are registered with OP_return.
Ok this has been fixed.
Note: if you wanted to jump directly to a transaction (your transaction), you can just search for that TX ID and it will take you straight there:
Preturnio returns a result here because there is an OP_RETURN inside that transaction and Preturnio indexes all OP_RETURNs. As I mentioned below, the '/' delimiter wasn't part of the search index regex analyzer - so if you searched for 'substack' you'd see your OP_RETURN transactions - but 'darthcoin' wasn't registering as a match.
I've updated the search index regex and so now 'darthcoin' will return results because the analyzer will include specific words in between '/' and '.'
(Turns out that free form text indexes are tricky to configure :))
Thanks for pointing this out and giving me an opportunity to tweak the index.
Can you point me to a tx that contains the word 'darthcoin' in an OP_RETURN?
Ah that's inside a URL. The search engine uses delimiters to split out what might be individual items. I'm using . but not / - I'll need to modify the regex filter on the index and that will pick it up. Good catch. Rebuilding indexes takes some time but I'll report back.