All for a bit of hopium. But there is no way Apple announce anything Bitcoin related for a long time. Maybe it’s to do with the Big Apple? NYC related.
Maybe Apple announcing sending USD over LN, since everyone's still "allergic to peanuts." Man, if Cook can stealthly onboard all iphone owners into opening channels and then let them send sats directly too... pure hopium haha
I lean more towards this opinion
yeah no way Apple employees would approve of this, lightning is not woke enough
No way Apple employees are thinking about Bitcoin 😀
It may in fact be hopium, however an interesting tidbit caught my attention today:
the news sent shares of CoreCard Corp. and Green Dot Corp. -- two of Apple’s existing partners -- down more than 10% apiece on Wednesday. Goldman Sachs Group Inc., another key partner, slipped as much as 1.2%.
The push would turn the company into a bigger force in financial services, building on a lineup that already includes an Apple-branded credit card, peer-to-peer payments, the Wallet app and a mechanism for merchants to accept credit cards from an iPhone.
Nice catch!
New tweet today "got milk" ad
The plot thickens.