This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Just lots of stress.. I hope you are well k00b. God bless.
Just trying to stay happy despite the repeated ups and downs of life 🧬... Guess it's true what they say, money makes the world 🌍 goes round!
Hello everyone!!! Happy Thursday, aka Little Friday, may you have a wonderful day today and have lots of good things going your way, it's a rather sunny day and lots of things to do, so one step at a time, remember that you're important and you matter, don't forget it, if times are tough you know you've got this and this will pass. Be well and stay frosty!!!
Hello everyone!!! Happy Thursday, aka Little Friday, may you have a wonderful day today and have lots of good things going your way, it's a rather sunny day and lots of things to do, so one step at a time, remember that you're important and you matter, don't forget it, if times are tough you know you've got this and this will pass. Be well and stay frosty!!!
Fold card is working with Paypal again 🤝
Easy extra 1+% off of credit card spend (not with all cards), mortage etc. Unfortunately they neutered the reward system so can't get the 2% extra I was used to...
Really having fun with Replit!
For anyone going through shit in their lives, check out "Building Your Resilience - Finding Meaning in Adversity" from the Great Courses catalogue. It's probably free at your library. It's pretty good for a reasonable self-help book and each short section has a few other resources/books to check out.
Made 50k sats giving a former business partner some tax advice. Feeling pretty damn good about myself. That's enough work for today.
Going through the @sn Markdown guide
The other day I wanted to share a screenshot image of my newly found Cowboy Hat 🤠 in a post, after taking the screenshot and was about to add the image to the post, I discovered there is a whole page dedicated to formatting our posts on SN.
So, today I'm dedicating some time to learning and practicing some of the Markdown guides.
I think I'm gonna be using the bold and images frequently.
Thank you.
I only discovered that somewhat recently, as well. I mostly use it for links and links to images.
It's very cool.
Has anyone else noticed an increase in the number of posts and quality of content over the past few weeks? SN has always been a place with high signal, but it has been chock full of great content and more users recently. This improvement does seem to correspond to the increase in bitcoin's price. I thought the coming bull market would cause an increase in newbie posts and spammy content, but instead the overall quality of the site seems to have improved.
Power of sats!
The power of sats indeed! I can't speak for others, but the possibility of receiving sats is definitely the incentive for me to reply and post here. Being able to spend sats to boost posts / replies I find valuable is also great! Loving the value for value model.
I suspect it's just a natural consequence of SN's growing network effect. More people => more posts/comments => more tips => bigger stacks => bigger tips => more people => ...
So really we're just growing, and with that the content is becoming higher signal due to the increased effect of V4V.
I am getting beaten more often on posting links and I tip whoever beats me, so I need to up my game.
You can do it man!
tips are higher too, it seems
That's very true also. This seems counterintuitive, since sats are more valuable in USD terms than they were two months ago.
Maybe people start to care less about price in USD terms :)
Day 12 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
we need a website for the bets we did: #168449
That would be a fun project. I can code but never really dabbled in web stuff.
I might do one when I have some time. Would be really fun haha
edit: of course is already taken haha
wen coloured hats
the coloring scheme may be just the same like currently used for the lightning bolt icon by every article and it should show average value of tip during the period of having hat
Wen your PR? ;)
Jk, I know some people might not be devs themselves. But you can open a ticket on Github, I guess.
and it should show average value of tip during the period of having hat
What do you mean by that? Tips you received or tips you did? Average per day? And how should it show it?
I just learned how to add color in python scripts is sn written in python?
tips you did, of course - the hat is because of what you have done to the community
just average, it can be for last 24h for example, or for full period of having hat - feel free to propose best way in your opinion
it should show different colours for different ranges of average tip used by the user having hat
(just like SN interface is already able to colour lightning bolt by the article you have donated, i.e. the colour is changing according to the number of satoshis you have donated to the article)
it will incentive generosity on Stacker News for sure :)