search engines are pure SLAVERY
You may not know it, you may not realize it, but is the ultimate nail in your own coffin, prepared by the evil lords that want to control the humanity.
THIS IS NOT A JOKE or conspiracy, is a fact.
Due to my background, living in communism, it is more easy for me to see these aspects. You lived your entire life in a nice, warm, so called capitalist society, but in fact you were prepared, trained to be more obedient and do not detect the threat.
The search introduced into your life, in a way that you can slowly accept it, first as a joke, later as an "utility", then final is when you cannot get rid of it, will be too late.
** THEY ARE BOILING YOU SLOWLY, without noticing it.**
Many will say: "nah, is just a meaningless software that helps you look for stuff online". etc etc etc. You are wrong. Slowly you will not realize what is real from fiction and will be too late. Your brain will not be anymore reacting to that and will just follow what the search engine will tell you, like a brainless robot.
Are machines necessary in our life? YES. But for hard work, where humans could not compete with dangerous environment. But machines ARE NOT necessary in our process of creation, of innovation, of communication, of education.
You still do not want to see but these search engines introduced slowly into your life is the PURE COMMUNISM that is coming. Do not let it come, reject it in any form. RESIST and follow the truth, the human creativity, the human interaction, the human communication. THINK ABOUT YOUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS. think about their future.
Do you want them to be raised by a search engine? So will never know how is the human touch, human communication, human feelings? Because continuing to accept these search engines in our daily life, it is going there: DEHUMANIZING, the ultimate goal of the overlords, so they can control you once and for all.
THIS was my final warning to all of you guys, in special to you @k00b. I know that deep inside you, you are still human, your soul is still not corrupted.
This is not about me leaving SN if search engines are integrated. I would leave SN because I RESIST, I do not want to give any chance for search engines to control me.
This is about YOU, is a warning for YOU the bitcoiner out there, that fight for freedom and humanity.