You are free to post any content here that you choose. If it is ignored, then the members have decided your post has no value.
Bitcoin is not a community, and as long as it is, it means it's failing, since the goal is for Bitcoin to become a global currency, used by billions of people.
In the same sentence, you say bitcoin is not a community, and you then say it is a community. However, I think I understand what you mean. The way I see the incentive structure of this site, there is theoretically nothing stopping it from becoming, say, a home improvement site, if those posts are rewarded. To that end, there is nothing preventing groups to develop here that support specific topics, based on the incentive system. SN is still young, and naturally bitcoin oriented.
Fiatjaf has expressed similar concerns regarding nostr.
You're right, my sentence was a bit approximative. Should have said: "as long as Bitcoiners see Bitcoin as a community, Bitcoin is failing".
The point being that "community" always implies "minority".
I know. I was being a little too nit picky there!