You may have seen shitcoin ads posted by or coinbase, but what is the best advertisement for Bitcoin which actually talks about its core fundamentals rather than "to the moon"?
You mean on TV? I can't remember of something good said on TV about bitcoin as advertising. But maybe this bitcoin documentaries list could help some nocoiners
No not necessarily something you saw on TV, but something that might have been good if it were on TV. Obviously that would probably mean no company was behind it lol
Not really an advertisement but if you also mean "best bitcoin introduction", then this is my favorite so far: How Bitcoin works & why it has value
I actually couldn't find it for a second and was worried it was taken down. Started downloading it when I found it, haha
Hmmm this might be cut up and pasted together as to function as an ad at least.
This is the best introduction I've ever read.
It covers the core fundamentals that give Bitcoin strength and legitimacy
probably won't appeal to the 99% as it requires a relatively high comprehension level (and more than 30 seconds to absorb)
Thank you but I was kinda looking for a video ad that was attention grabbing in the first 5 seconds lol. Good resource nontheless