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Currently in a lecture about network security. Today's topic: authentication
Will ask my prof after the lecture if he already knows about LNURL-auth and if so, what his opinion is on it.
I can bet 1k that he doesn't know (make sure to ask tricky questions to make sure he's not just a yes man)
I'll also accept this 1k bet btw
I wanted to ask if he knows about Login with Lightning and if not, show him how I log into my SN account and explaining the simple protocol.
If he says yes, I will just ask what his opinion is on it. I assume he will explain how it works then to point out flaws or advantages.
I will think about a way to proof that I am not lying about the outcome.
Maybe taking a picture of two different hands of a letter on which is written "Yes, I knew about LNURL-auth" or "No, I didn't know about LNURL-auth" with a slide of the lecture in the background?
Should be private. Maybe I can also ask him how I can proof it in a private way since I think he also works on privacy stuff haha
If he knows or not?
can we make bets on whether he knows? I'd bet someone 100 sats on no. If someone wants to take the other side, lmk.. :D
I take the other side. I bet yes
Willing to bet 1k sats to make it more exciting?
I'm curious. If you guys are actually wagering, can you directly pay off your bet here on SN other than just tipping a comment the winner made? There is no means to pay each other directly and privately?
We could use the LN address provided by SN for depositing
Of course! It's early in my part of the world and my brain is not fully functioning. The coffee is almost ready
Haha no worries
he's your prof, you have an information advantage! make it 500 lol
Alright, I asked, he didn't know
However, he was very interested and even proposed that he would join SN and post a comment here when I asked about how to proof the outcome in a private way!
After leaving, I realized I probably don't need proof if the outcome of the bet is against me, haha
But I will send him an invite and the link to the specification.
Maybe he can just add his thoughts about the protocol here? :)
@juanito, @0390664e7c, please reply to this comment so I can send you your rewards in a proofable way
I realize I need to change my name to something more recognizable! and yeah, I teach at a university and had someone come to me for advice on doing a study on something bitcoin related, and the girl who did it looked at me like, "what, you mean... I don't have to explain everything from 0? that literally never happened to me." So I assumed he wouldn't know... :D but yes, I want to know what he thought!
So you are saying you had a information advantage, too? Haha
500 for the bet + 100 for your story
haha... well, from my local university. But I don't know what he might have mentioned to you to make you think he knows! So maybe in that end, it was balanced .. haha
I thought if he can explain his opinion about the protocol, he does indeed already know about it
yay! Thanks for honoring your words. We should run bets on SN often.
Sending them through here whether the LN or just zap on this comment is good :) I'll reinvest it on some other great posts
We should run bets on SN often.
Yeah, I agree. This bet actually inspired me to work on a prediction market on nostr when I find time: #173759