Deleted Twitter from my phone, just rocking damus and plebstr. Cant wait for NostrTube, Nostr Music, Nostrsoft Word, Bank of Nostr, Mcnostrs, Nosgoogle, Nosyahoo, Nosgithub, Nos.....
Have you seen Wavman? It's our first humble attempt at a Nostr music player
Checking it out now, cool feel to it.
NostrTube is a huge missing piece.
Not inherently Nostr related, but do you know what the difficulty has been in developing a LN alternative to YouTube? We have Fountain for podcasts, but nothing similar for video.
I think the next major fountain upgrade will be audio books. Seems like the team acknowledges that some people would like video. I've tried using bitcoin tv instead of youtube, but I havent run across anything that could be a decent competitor. Nostr fixes this
I hadn't even heard of bitcoin tv. I like Odysee, but it would obviously be improved if they replaced their internal shitcoin with LN.