Stumbled upon this post by chance when I was trying to look for another Stacker haha. Great that you got started!
Haha, was wondering who just zapped this post. :)
I want to completely rework my site though. Better design, better colors, more focused.
Hopefully this week!
Congrats! my site was also born yesterday :)
Nice! Will try to keep your site in mind to check on it :)
What are your intentions for your site?
Thanks man! Just a placeholder for now but eventually would like to blog, probably in spanish. Easier said than done, though
I saw below what your plans are, will be following as well!
Easier said than done, though
Getting started is the hardest part :)
I saw below what your plans are, will be following as well!
First feature will probably be a RSS feed so people can easier follow, haha
what's the difference between modify and change?
haha, good question. I asked this myself, too:
Yes! I am also not sure if you even can change content without changing metadata. Since the "last modify date" should also be metadata, lol. So I think Change >= Modify always holds.
I also found out that most linux distributions mount the root partition with noatime so the last access time just always shows the birth time:
However, to make my site more dynamic, I am thinking about updating the last access timestamp dynamically to show when the page was last visited over the web. I like small details like this :)
I look forward to seeing where you go with this.
Thanks! I intend to create blogs with different topics.
One for technical stuff to share knowledge like how to setup a bitcoin node at home with a public static IP using Wireguard and a VPS or how to setup home monitoring so you can immediately call your ISP to fix your internet, haha
One for general life stuff like ideas or things I am thinking about which I want to share with other people and get their feedback/knowledge on.
And maybe one for tracking my progress in eating more healthy; losing weight and doing more exercise again. I hope this will help me stay motivated by sharing it publicly. I also want to create a very simple website so I can track what I eat a lot easier. I don't like all the existing apps. Way too much bloat. I just need a QR scanner (I already implemented one in a previous attempt) and a good UI to insert entries + pictures of my food because I think it will be cool to look at what you have eaten the last weeks etc. So this may be #health and #tech related, haha
Other than that, the site should also show my existing projects, my PGP key etc. like other personal websites do.
But I am trying to strike a good balance between privacy and sharing things about my life with random people on the internet.
Oh and maybe a small CTF as an easteregg on my website :)
There is already a flag hidden on my website. Can you find it?