There is a oretty good tool to keep track of earnings & spendings:
For a german guy who got into btc just one month ago my biggest challenge is to find trustworthy people i can change fiat into bitcoin.
In europe all ramps into btc are at least light kyc so you need to have a bank account so they can track who you are of being the account owner.
If you don‘t hold for at least one year all transactions over 600€ get taxed on Germany and if you don‘t keep track and buy kyc from exchanges you will get in trouble.
People also do not realize how important it is to use wallet that have a good utxo management implemented and allow mixing. Therefore you need to habe enough time beside your fiat job to teach yourself those important privacy techniques.
As a newbie i can tell you that its not really easy to dig deeper into all these topics. Its a very confusing and huge soace that need to be explored. For non technical or older people like my parents its hard to understand. Not onky from the technical standpoint but you also need to understand economics. Its a true journey.
Thanks for bringing this topic for discussion!