While the stress test on the Bitcoin network is ongoing, it is apparent that LN adoption needs to rise to alleviate the stress on the L1 chain. And hopefully it will, due to this high fee environment.
However, if you run an LN node, this creates an economical problem for you.
The biggest fees you usually incur are the open/close channel transactions. (assuming you are not rebalancing like a madman, but rather control the flow with fee and htlc management).
Since we want the LN network to be functional and fluid, new nodes need to come online and new channels need to be opened. Inactive channels need to be closed, etc. Now, who in their right mind would want to do it during such high onchain fees? (sometimes you don't even have a choice if a force close happens due to some error or other circumstances).
So on one hand, we scream that LN is the future. On the other hand, growth and maintenance of LN is crippled by this environment. Plus, if bitcoin hits mass adoption, these onchain fees are just the beginning. They will be much higher, so moving a few million sats will be impossible.
Wouldn't we want to incentivize the LN node runners, rather than penalize them for the onchain shenanigans?
Perhaps this is a stupid thought, but what if the open/close transactions are treated differently than normal onchain transactions, so they do not have to be subject to the high fees.
I have no idea if this is technically possible/feasible, but it would make sense if LN should replace the onchain gridlock. There could be some standard fee that these special transactions will pay and they'd be prioritized in mempools to get them confirmed, so LN can function properly.
I am worried that many node runners will stop running nodes because of the high fee problems and the network will be much more centralized with big players. (Disregarding the high fees, there is already a trend where long time node runners stop running public nodes and only have private nodes. Add the high fees problem and this public node exodus will be even higher.)
What do you think? Is this a crazy thought or would it have some merit?