I use shakepay in the communist republic of Canada and Fold and Strike when I am in US.
Shakepay has a cool shakingsats feature, which is a daily reward that when you shake your phone. The cool thing is the reward escalates by 5 sats a day if you maintain your daily streak. I am not sure if there is a limit to the escalation, I got up to 550sats but I forgot to shake one day and had to start over at 150. You get 2% sats back for your first 5k spent using their prepaid virtual visa and then 1% after and you can create squads where all users get some sats when someone uses their card. I think 42. Pretty cool features, but sadly only in the communist republic of Canada.
Shakepay user also, but it seems Shakepay has quietly been reducing their overall rewards features as well.
First, the earn feature was shutdown, now it seems they have some requirements for maintaining the ability to shake for rewards https://blog.shakepay.com/shakingsats-shakeup-introducing-active-stacker-status/
At the end of the day, all these companies are at the mercy of the fiat system.