I think the article is good.
If someone values privacy and self-custody the most, then they are obviously going to advocate for financial privacy and the acquisition of KYC-free bitcoin.
Doing that right, or mostly-right, can take a lot of extra work though. It can be intimidating to folks new to Bitcoin or new to operating digitally.
As the article explains, custodial services do play a role in Bitcoin adoption, Wallet of Satoshi being a prime example. So if your priority is Bitcoin adoption (which is certainly a righteous cause), then you are probably going to utilize certain custodial or KYC'd services to help.
I use such services to help onboard people. The services/apps are usually convenient, with simple and clean UXs, and allow people to go the self-custody route when they are ready to.
I also talk shit about regulations, the government, central banks, and the USD to those people too. I hope they become passionate about their privacy and do more research. This is easier to do after being orange pilled in the first place.