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Hello lovely people ❤️❤️. I am new here. I just created account today.. I was searching about how to earn sats. Finally I found this website. So please kindly tell me how to earn sats?
A few posts you might find useful:
Tips to earn SATS daily #9186
Microlancer.io - KYC-free Bitcoin Lightning freelance website for jobs, gigs and microtasks #7187 https://microlancer.io/
P2E: How Much Money I Made Playing Axie Infinity for One Week (Spoiler: $10) | Lindsey Tam #10980 https://medium.com/coinmonks/how-much-money-i-made-playing-axie-infinity-for-one-week-6b865ba0548f
Smiles is another interesting one. Play chess and walk for sats.
Cant wait to earn more through:
  1. Mining
  2. Lightning Channels
  3. Spending Rewards
  4. Content Curation
  5. Games
  6. Tasks
What do mean by "spending rewards"? Is that like one of those bitcoin credit cards/gift cards, or...?
Spending with a debit card to get sats back Spending with a credit card for sats back Purchasing a gift card with bitcoin for sats back
Currently using fold/crypto.com/lolli
The bitcoin company looks pretty good,
Waiting on NOAH/ a bitcoin brave browser alternative (maybe impervious)
Fold/Oshi have pretty great sat stacking opportunities through affiliate programs as well
You can find a few ways to earn sats here - https://thebitcoinmanual.com/apps/earn-btc/
And we regularly update it as we find more
Really glad resources like this exist. FWIW, a couple things you might wanna correct:
  • You indicate 1 Satoshi is one-millionth of a bitcoin, rather than 100,000,000th
  • The saying is “No free lunch” as opposed to “launch”
(just trying to be helpful, not petty)
Thanks, appreciate the feedback, corrected those issues, we're all in it together man :)
Check Satsback.com if you want to stack sats on Lightning when shopping online.
https://kriptode.com/satsforlikes/index.html on sats4likes you can earn sats by completing microtasks
As well as other THNDR games (THNDR Bay, Bitcoin Bounce, Turbo 84) as well as Viker games (Balls King, Amaze Balls).
I'd be interested to learn of any others.
You can also incorporate Lightning live tipping in twitch (and any other platform) using Zebedee. If you download their wallet, you'll find several other ways of stacking sats playing games.
And apps like Fold, Lolli, and Bitcoin Libre let you earn some from free everyday (Fold and Bitcoin Libre have a wheel, while on Lolli you just press the chest and earn)
ZBD - An app which allows you to earn sats coins
Ember fund is a cool app in the App Store that mines sats off your phone. If you don’t mind plug in my code if u join
I really like
Hello, please help
hello there friend hope you like it so far here. well when it comes to lightning network sats, you can make and set up your own node.
  • Do sometasks in microlancer which has quite legit people that are willing to pay for some easy tasks as it depends on the price for task.
  • you can create and write freely about any topic that spark your interest or even the slightest knowledge you like to share here just create a post or polls and let the site do its magic. and last keep stacking. nice meeting you bro0
My favorite sites for free satoshi, abtc.top and coinpayu and cointiply and sats4likes.com and also zbd apps.
Hello lovely people ❤️❤️. I am new here. I just created account today.. I was searching about how to earn sats. Finally I found this website. So please kindly tell me how to earn sats?
  1. Get a job and mine Fiat
  2. Fold app over the past year has gotten me easily above 2-3% on average although slowly been going down… almost at 3m sats back in the past year
You can also play games on your phone to earn sats, like Lightning Crush