What do you use Nostr for today?
To learn new about Nostr and Bitcoin.
Are you using Nostr more or less often than you were earlier this year?
I used it quite a lot (reading/researching mostly), now a bit more writing than before.
Do you use Nostr for applications beyond short-form text notes?
Didn't use that much, now exploring new ones.
What new applications do you want to see built on Nostr?
All of them eventually. Right now - curated video feeds for kids, topical curated feeds/relays, new app discovery services, developer community tools.
What are the emerging Nostr apps that more people should know about?
nostrocket.org, highlighter.com
What needs to be improved for Nostr to continue attracting new users?
Onboarding, topical feeds, topical discovery. I don't think there is 10x product yet.