It's been a few months since most users on here began using Nostr regularly, so this weekend we thought it would be fun to reflect on the state of the Nostr protocol, and think ahead to what comes next.
A few questions to consider:
  • What do you use Nostr for today?
  • Are you using Nostr more or less often than you were earlier this year?
  • Do you use Nostr for applications beyond short-form text notes?
  • What new applications do you want to see built on Nostr?
  • If you started using Nostr, but no longer use it today, why did you stop?
  • What are the emerging Nostr apps that more people should know about?
  • What needs to be improved for Nostr to continue attracting new users?
I've been using nostr via Iris or Snort as a Twitter alternative. I find it slow and clunky. So I've been using it less. I'm interested in what others are building on nostr, but I'm seeing these same issues.
Ooh this is a nice client. ty
I'm mainly using Nostr for the social media use case, I'm using it more and more as clients with additional functionality and features emerge. Beyond short form text notes, i'd like to participate in long form through and I want to see Tidal integrate nostr, and I'd like to see nostr working in tandem with the fedi os. Nostr apps to know about: Bounties/Magic Web Store/Swap Service/Mostro/Primal/Nostr Nests/Deezy. Just need more clients that attract normies, and an easier onboarding tools.
I've been wondering if it's possible to build a music streaming platform on nostr, but something more like Audius.
there is stemstr in test version and as media player
yeah that would be cool if tidal integrated with Nostr & Lightning, wasn’t there some talk about that possibility a month or two ago?
can’t remember if Block actually commented on a Tidal x Nostr collab, i might be imagining things…
The bitcoin company is on nostr and offers a 4% sats back Tidal gift card and can auto withdraw the rewards via lightning to stacker news...maybe only a matter of time before lighting/nostr services are integrated in to Tidal, would be a game changer.
What do you use Nostr for today?
To learn new about Nostr and Bitcoin.
Are you using Nostr more or less often than you were earlier this year?
I used it quite a lot (reading/researching mostly), now a bit more writing than before.
Do you use Nostr for applications beyond short-form text notes?
Didn't use that much, now exploring new ones.
What new applications do you want to see built on Nostr?
All of them eventually. Right now - curated video feeds for kids, topical curated feeds/relays, new app discovery services, developer community tools.
What are the emerging Nostr apps that more people should know about?,
What needs to be improved for Nostr to continue attracting new users?
Onboarding, topical feeds, topical discovery. I don't think there is 10x product yet.
I am still using it as a secondary alternative to Twitter, there is a lot of room to be improved before onboarding normies from other social media. But I can say I have stopped trying using Mastodon and using more nostr because that's where I lurk more for Bitcoin talk including stacker news.
I can say for sure I am looking forward a Reddit alternative using nostr than Twitter alternative.
What do you use Nostr for today?
Exclusively social (although I expect that to change).
Are you using Nostr more or less often than you were earlier this year?
Probably about the same but I think my experience on it has improved.
What new applications do you want to see built on Nostr?
I think super testnet has the right idea in thinking about nostr relays as generic public use servers. I’d love to see more commonplace applications use this truly “serverless” approach.
What needs to be improved for Nostr to continue attracting new users?
Abstractly, I think it’s mostly the experience someone has when they don’t know many people on nostr or have much of an online following themselves. There are lots of technical things to nitpick, but I tend to think the performance parts of that are solvable if the community grinds on them enough.
I just use it to zap people on damus and comment on random posts
  1. I lurk and comment here and there… but mostly am coding nostr bots and trying to figure out this LNbits thing
  2. Just started using nostr a month ago +-
  3. Trying to setup a marketplace to sell digital goods, mostly just using nostr for text/pictures rn
  4. Personal relays with AI-moderation systems that you can use to build a custom feed and pipe it to your mobile client.
  5. NA
  6. Nostr marketplaces thru LNbits
  7. Better mobile experience. More features. Better apps. Things just have to mature
It would be pretty cool if you guys integrated one of those difficulty adjusted cashu e-cash faucets onto the homepage. People can earn e-cash tokens by staying on the front page. And I'd like the option to see ads on stacker news if it meant i'd get cut via lightning. Great onboarding experience to have cold card, swan, Start9, Nunchuk Bitcoin co. sponsors.
A nostr market sub (List of stuff your network is selling), a 3d print file sub as well
Im always a bit usure if my notes are reaching my followers. On twitter it was all about getting some virality or not. On nostr virality is very low so I dont know if my notes are boring or not seen at all
Stacker should offer a relay service and one of those Nip 05 identifiers. I'd like to see my nostr badges, and it be cool to collect a stacker news badge.
I started using Nostr in January this year but the relay challenges have me using less of it now as it makes the clients slow. This needs to be improved for mainstream adoption and I feel we need to get more non-bitcoiners to the protocol - Influencers if we must.
I’ve had nostr for only a few weeks. I like Damus and Primal as twitter alternatives. I like the community a lot . So far it’s all good and if we can continue to onboard more users then great.
It's pond water
Please guide me how to open a Nostr account
i still don’t really know what kind of content belongs on Nostr, so i began by simply reposting my tweets on there.
but quickly i realized that doubling my efforts was inefficient, so my nostr usage has slowed lately.
i’d love to see more fun stuff people can only do on Nostr… i feel like that’s the key to unlocking a new user base that sticks around for good.
it’s hard to imagine what those things might look like, but they’ll probably be things that most Twitter users laugh at.
(1) To get out of the censorship (2) More, Much More (3) Yes, Zap.Stream, Formstr, Long form article, Market Place (4) WhatsApp Group App (5) Didn’t realise its power of Free Speech & Permission less nature, Was fool to find good content on NOSTR in the initial stage (6) Zap.Stream , Nostrnets, (7) Smooth UX and app performance, My iPhone gets hot a lot with few clients
At this point stacker should include a nostr feed using the primal explore feature, and include the nip 47 wallet connect so that you can one tap zap from your stacker news. Would turn stacker news into a noster client from the web with built in wallet that one tap zaps other nostr clients. Or if anything just a feed of recent in your network, works well with the news theme for stacker news. And doing somthing to integrate zapplanner sat streaming would be cool, And if your stacker news address was also an email address that'd be legit. Every bitcoin would have an email address here, and would come here for their bitcoin news, theyd receive zaps here and send zaps from here, theyd have subs, a useful search tool, and a decent lighting wallet. Purchase gift card with the bitcoin company autowithdraw rewards back to stacker news via lighting. Great onboarding tools
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.