Hey see this lightningnode.info/technicals/res…
As described it’s an LND aezeed seed phrase and not recommend to manage onchain funds of an LND seed this way, it won’t manage the offchain…
You can always just send the onchain funds to your preferred wallet, inversely you can connect a Bitcoin wallet to BTC node or with an efficient server like with the Electrs application on Umbrel
You can connect a Lightning Wallet to your Lightning Node, or restore/import the aezeed seed phrase on compatible LND aezeed seed phrase wallets like historically BlueWallet (but you’d still need to close channels or follow the process of uploading backup file to a new set up for offchain…)
On Umbrel there’s also automated recovery by entering in your 24 words on any new instance of the Lightning Node app
That may have been TMI but let me know if you have questions!
Not TMI, thank you.