What I'm trying to do is test out CPFP (when a transaction doesn't have RBF enabled). I'm still learning to use bitcoin-cli and was curious if wallet software like Electrum or Sparrow could be used to do this with an umbrel wallet. I'm not necessarily looking for the easiest way but I'm curious what methods could be used. I've tested RBF and CPFP with GUI wallets but it sounds like this isn't a good option for a LND node.
Your guides have been helpful in my never ending learning about bitcoin tools. Thanks.
Look into that guide. There's a section explaining how you could import your LND wallet into Sparrow.
Imported into Sparrow but I only see one UTXO. I'm guessing this may be due to the other UTXOs being connected with channel opens?
So now I'm thinking I need to go back to the cli approach and figure out the best method for doing a CPFP transaction from the umbrel either using bitcoin-cli or lncli or maybe another tool. Learning with skin in the game is how you REALLY learn.