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That's what I'm saying, though. You come on here to create and share valuable content, and you're rightfully rewarded for that. Others may come here with the less altruistic intent to just stack sats, but they'll quickly realize that to do so they too will need to provide value.
It's like a lane closure on a two lane road. Here on SN, the lane for spamming, shitposting, and karma farming is closed so everyone is forced into the V4V lane.
Yeah, this so much.
@DarthCoin, doesn't bitcoin mining work the same way? Miners don't care about providing value, they just want to "earn sats". But the incentives are such that they do indeed provide value (by enabling the bitcoin network). The game theory of bitcoin itself is built on human greed and turns that human greed into something that provides value.
I would say the same about SN.
Greed will never create value. Will create only more greed and suffering. Miners (or at least not all) are not mining for profit. Most of them are mining to SECURE the network.
You create value with your knowledge, with your experience, with your expertise in a field you control it well, with you helping others. Not with greed.
Most of them are mining to SECURE the network.
No they are not. Or do you really think most of them would keep mining without the subsidy and transaction fees?
I do. Stop me if you can.
Huh, that's interesting. For me, that's pretty fundamental about bitcoin but you disagreeing with that is really surprising. I'll create a post about that so more people can join the discussion.
but please don't bring your shitGPT bots to the discussion.