DDoSer on the phone.
Yes, you're absolutely right - it was done for fun. I'm testing a new method for DDoSing Amazon targeted servers, and stacker.news is the right place for such testing.
I apologize if I did any harm :c I read stacker.news regularly myself and like lightning news
No real harm. It's nice to be be aware of these things should unfriendly attacks come. I've never been DDoS'd so it was kind of educational for me as well.
Do you have any recommendations for things we should do to prevent these kinds of attacks?
Cloudflare, AWS Shield
Avoid expensive operations (db or node hits) from unauthenticated endpoints.
DDoS-ed, confessed, got paid OR didn’t DDoS, lied, got paid
glad to see bitcoin is alive and well for criminals and/or liars. JK JK. this is fun, wild stuff.