Raining in my neck of the woods. Just enjoying some coffee with my puppy dog laying under the table while my wife and daughter are making some brunch. My daughter is 4 and loves cracking eggs so there definitely will be a mess to clean up.
This reminded me of my daughter when she was 4 and first learned to cook. Her first dish was over-and-easy eggs and I still remember holding her hand to help her flip the eggs.
She is turning 12 this year, almost taller than my wife, and can cook a whole meal for the family plus wash the dishes. Kids grow up so fast; sometimes I wish time would stand still so I can just have a few more moments with them as little kids.
Wish you a great time and a nice day with your family!
Thanks. I know what you mean. We have a 12 year old as well and it seems like yesterday that he was 4. I can remember taking him to his first baseball game and he brought his glove and couldn't understand why he couldn't go on the field with the players because he had a glove too. Haha, kids are the best.
Thanks for inspiring the trip down memory lane.