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Been depressed AF lately... My life just seems completely pointless tbh and I never have anything to look forward to anymore to get me through each day. Sigh...
Sorry, just saying that publicly makes me feel better. Mental illness fucking sucks, guys..
If you have a high news or social media diet, cut it back dramatically. It helps a lot for mood and just general worldview. Most of the problems on Twitter and in the news are not real problems that interfere with the average person's day to day life.
Keeping a notebook and writing down one good thing in it every morning helps a lot, too. Maybe something that went well for you the previous day, or something you're grateful for.
I know it's no fix for mental illness of a more "internal chemical imbalance" type, but every little bit helps.
Many of us have been there. It happens to most of us. It will get better so long as you keep trying to make it better.
Sorry to hear that, I know what it feels (or doesn't feel) like.
Feel free to ignore my advice but doing the following helped me get out of a bad place:
How do you interact with natural light?
  • Do you wake up and watch the sunrise? If not, try that. Look right into the sun (or otherwise the clouds) and around
  • Do you spend too many hours looking at screens? Try to reduce that and if not possible, use the night shift or similar function to turn the tint more orange. You can use a red light at night time
  • During the day do you look at enough green foliage? Try to do some grounding or work out barefoot in some park
  • Do you get enough UV from the sun on your skin at around noon? At least 15 minutes
I would force myself to do all this no matter how I feel, could try for a month; discipline is crucial.
I'm outside a lot, at least 5-6 hours a day in natural lighting. The screen thing though for sure is my fault.
The pendulum swings both ways. You'll be on the upswing soon :)
Something I realized this year is that I take on a lot of other peoples problems. I've tried to meditate on it and really define what I actually have control over in my own life. Our choices are half chance. It's a miracle to have gotten this far.
It can't be all bad, right. What's something you're thankful for?
Honestly, my mother and my cat (who is at my mom's for the time being because I can't keep her where I stay... But I do visit her frequently..
Thank you for sharing :)
What's your motivation? Or when was the last time you really felt motivated?
I know it doesn't provide much comfort, but hang in there. A very close family member of mine has been suffering for the past few years, and it can be overwhelming. This person also finds that talking about it publicly helps. You're not alone.
Appreciate the kind words, and tell your family member to hang in there as well... Even when it gets to the point where it seems like not existing anymore is the best option, you gotta be strong and fight.
I find that learning about other people's struggles, and the success they have achieved in overcoming their illness provides hope and inspiration.