Is hard to estimate and even know. Even if all txs are yours, opening a bunch of channels, you never be sure if all your txs are included in the same block.
Rebalancing do not require writing on the chain, are circular rebalancing not swaps onchain <-> LN.
This is a 'scaling' question
You will not scale Bitcoin with everybody opening a channel. There are many ways to onboard a lot of people. Not everybody will run a public routing LN node. Is not really necessary for that.
As I explained here, with "uncle Jim" community/family banks:
How much does one channel open take then? How heavy is that type of TX with minimum numbers of inputs?
In terms of scaling, I'm just interested in sovereign use. I know that there are solutions with custody trade-offs too.
How much does one channel open take then?
3 block confirmations. Some other solutions offer even 0conf (Phoenix, Blixt).
How heavy is that type of TX with minimum numbers of inputs?
Here you can calculate yourself:
I know that there are solutions with custody trade-offs too.
I think you don't know about many self-custody LN nodes, here are explained: