• my landlord, I pay the rent for a nice house in BTC, and sometimes through LN, wallet to wallet, privately.
  • my local bar, where I go to drink quietly my beer and look at a beautiful view over the mountains. I pay through LN, wallet to wallet, privately.
  • my local grocery small shop that brings me anything I want if I pay with BTC/LN and get 10% discount.
  • ShopInBit - buy anything you want with BTC/LN + concierge service
  • BTCmap.org - wonderful mobile app to look for local merchants that accept BTC/LN when you travel.
  • lightning.video - is cool service that you pay per view
  • Wavlake.com - cool way to listen music and pay with sats
Nice. ShopInBit looks very handy indeed.
Does your local bar use a POS for charging privately?
Is using 2 normal LN wallets on his mobile. Nothing special for a small bar. He already have a regular pos where is registering the sales. Not really need another pos just to charge in sats.
Got it I can sell the idea to some local bars I frequent.