Defending people against the state was very noble of you! As a programmer of computers, I once claimed lawyers were programmers of the law, bending that world through sheer will. I'm happy to never have entered a courtroom though so my analogy may be quite bad. :)
Never heard of the Natural Law Party and Dr. Hagelin. Their website is like a time capsule: They seem to have referred to Natural Law from a slightly different angle. More quantum physics, unification.
What I've encountered more recently was more about getting to the base layer underneath man-made law. Natural law being "on-chain" while legislation being "L2/lightning" to force an even worse analogy.
Promoters say one should often try to answer questions from cops/lawyers with another question to avoid getting trapped. That "persons" are fictional entities similar to corporations, whom you should be careful to assume the identity of. There's this whole thing with upper-case names not being your real name as a man/woman. Some refer to Black's Law Dictionary as having subtly but very significantly different definitions of words, allowing their wielders to trick you into losing at their game without you even realizing. - Have they found the cheat-codes of the legal system or not? :)
Interesting. I had a feeling we might have been speaking about two different ideas with similar names. In fact, I seem to recall differences between followers of natural law as a term and members of the political party. I will look more closely at your link.
There seems to be some variations on this similar theme. Statistics don't look overly favourable in the phalanx calling themselves Freemen according to: