I've been talking to friends and neighbors about bitcoin for years now. I can count on one hand the number of people who were receptive, and even then, I wouldn't say they're orange-pilled - I'm holding their coin for them. In general, I think there are way more people interested in money that can't be inflated and just works than in going through all the effort of self-custody.
I recently had this thought about using my kids as evangelists. They're too young to fully understand the implications of bitcoin but they also don't have any pre-conceived notions about money. My kids' school is already full of little hoodlums selling cans of Coke and candies and shit so it shouldn't be too hard to get bitcoin into the economy, but I'm not sure how to implement it. Most of the kids don't have phones (benefits of living out in the boonies), so it needs to be something physical, like a paper wallet in some sort of tamper-evident wrapper. Sats cards are too expensive for this use case. It doesn't have to be fool proof it's more about the educational value.