I'm at that age where people start to "settle down" and buy a house, but knowing what I know about Bitcoin I cannot bring myself to liquidate some of my stash for the deposit. I'd rather hold more corn.
I'd be interested to know where other Bitcoiners fall on the rent vs. buy debacle. I suspect it tilts more towards rent. My own reasoning is that a) Lump-sum deposits on average will leave you with less BTC than the "DCA" of rent, b) Real estate is vastly overvalued due to its SoV quality which Bitcoin will eat into eventually and c) Holding a shitload of BTC offers you greater freedom than owning a house, as the latter can be seized by your government or devalued by ruining the surrounding neighbourhood.
I think your points are right. But nevertheless, it's impossible to say if getting a mortgage is the right choice or not without having specific details on the mortgage conditions.
If you get a great offer with a dramatically low interest rate and perhaps it's fixed, it might make sense to go for it even though real state is a shitcoin.
This calls for a nice spreadsheet comparing both options.
i agree with all 3 of your points and i also arrived at the same decision to rent indefinitely.
If you have a family, buy a house. Its totally worth it