your second comment was even less valuable than your first.
if you don’t have anything useful to add, that’s fine… perhaps others will come up with better arguments against worldcoin.
Let me show you what a personal attack is: you are a worthless idiot because you have failed the incredibly basic human task of understanding that money converges to a singular supremum, which is bitcoin, and this is due to your moral failing as a "human" and degenerate anti-social tendencies. You probably are lacking testosterone, are fairly frail as a "man", and are full of seed oils. You are the parasite attacking true life itself with your obstinance.
Asking if you are now a full shitcoiner is a polite and succinct question.
so i take it you couldn’t come up with any coherent rebuttals to Spencer’s article either…
I don't read gibberish scam promotion made for retards like you. The world would be a better place if you get run over by a bus later today.
Wen downvotes @k00b ?
Now you make me post this meme...
this would be a great post for Meme Monday