Yes, I use timelock option, usually with Sparrow wallet is easy. But not for all my stash. My stash is split in many different parts, different wallets, different addresses, different places, different methods.
I do not specifically have an "inheritance" plan for my family members or whatever. My opinion is that if they are not able to RECEIVE my BTC during my life, that means they DO NOT DESERVE IT.
Getting BTC from somebody MUST BE proof of work. So if my kids or grandkids want my BTC, MUST prove they deserve it and I will reward them meanwhile I am alive.
After that... my BTC will come with me. This is life. This is Bitcoin.
Very harsh)
and that's why my kids will be strong and good bitcoiners, not pussies shitcoiners
but that doesnt solve the problem of being ran over by a bus
Darth, I wonder what you are like in everyday life. Reading some of the comments about you, sometimes it seems like you have a lot of aggression and categoricalness.
For more you know about Bitcoin, more toxic you will became.