Today I learned Roasbeef can speak 10 times faster than your average human. Wow. I was really looking forward to hearing about Taro today but just couldn’t keep up. Some weird-ass time dilation magic happening there.
Lol we were saying that we thought he’s actually slowed down because we could understand nearly everything he said
Is there a link where we can watch this talk?
The Live Stream didn't have it.
Maybe someone had a recording of the Open Source stage, which is where that occurred:
.@roasbeef debuting a technical explanation of the future of non-custodial financial assets, and there are maybe 100-200 people who wanna hear about it.
so early.
There was a Twitter Spaces for live audio of that stage, but there is no playback.
Why is the most important stage of the conference not being streamed on YT?
all talks will be posted to and youtube after
📺 Open Source Stage - Full Livestream - #Bitcoin 2022 Conference | Bitcoin Magazine #18608