I think it is one of the keys, yes
I am by no means an expert on this, but here's my two sats
Layer two payment systems will be one of the essentials to achieve "hyperbitcoinization" as the layer one Bitcoin blockchain is amazing when it comes to security and decentralization, but when it comes to speed (part of the scaling characteristics) it is very slow and when the network is busy it also gets expensive
This isn't necessarily a bad thing, because low speed seems to just be the price you pay for high security and decentralization, which to me is imperative for Bitcoin's survival and adoption and you can "patch" the low speed with these layer two solutions
From a practical standpoint, the layer two applications will make it economically viable for Bitcoiners to actually use their Bitcoin when they need to. Many people advocate to "never sell your Bitcoin", but there are already people that have to sell/exchange their Bitcoin for basic goods in order to survive
Once adoption really gets going in Africa, which is the poorest continent in the world, it would be vital to have a financial infrastructure available to people to not only store their wealth in Bitcoin (layer one) but to also use some of it to live meaningful/fulfilling lives (layer two). Then they will have the absolute security and decentralization of the most secure network in the world to save or protect their economic energy as well as a way to actually enjoy what they earn when they feel like it by paying way less than 1% in fees to do so
Africa has significant fragmentation of money and high level of unbanked, that Bitcoin is simply nobrainer "umbrella" solution.
Seems possible due to the fact that Africa is likely to become a bigger player in the world economy over the coming decades. And bitcoin is already gaining adoption there.
Bitcoin popularity in Ghana is increasing steadily. Since last year's Bitcoin Africa conference in Ghana, the number of businesses accepting bitcoin payments has grown dramatically.
I personally onboarded several stores, restaurants, and hotels to accept Bitcoin payments. All of this was made possible by the ease with which payments may be made. In Ghana, two Bitcoin circular economies are now being built: Bitcoin Brite in Accra and Bitcoin_Dua in Agbozume, in Ghana's Volta Region.
There have also been many educational events by Bitcoin Cowries aiming at mass adoption taking place in major cities including Accra, Agbozume and Kumasi, which has been quite progressive. Monthly Bitcoin meetups are also held in Accra.
Overall, there is growing interest because of the different ways the Lightning Network presents #Bitcoin to the general population.
I would say it certainly is. Can you give us an overview of bitcoin adoption in Ghana from your perspective?