Most self-help is focused on new habits to acquire, but in my experience the biggest value add has been in eliminating various bad habits.
So SN, what's a habit you've gotten rid of that's added value to your life?
  • less beer, more natural fruit juice
  • less life in a big city, more life in the nature, mountains
  • less spending on crap things, more living simple but decent
Getting off those nicotine vapes 😵‍💫
Social media. It’s toxic
  • Threw out the clothes I don’t wear and arranged the rest in terms of colour. These days, my mornings are so much easier because I just pick one and carry on. (I haven’t reached the level of acquiring clothes in just one colour yet. I think I will die of boredom. Haha)
  • Very conscientious about recycling books and papers these days so that my home space looks more freeing and calming! Also helps me to earn some petty cents
Great question! 🙋‍♂️
Alcohol. I have not had a drink in 8.5 years.
Also moving out of the city a year and a half ago has been huge.