Users of mobile wallets have greater vulnerabilities because of the way the nodes operate in the network. They’re usually offline, don’t have a stable IP address and they aren’t routing payments; not to mention the fact that they commonly also have one payment channel open with a lightning service provider (LSP). The LSP can easily identify senders and receivers that are directly connected to them, especially if an adversary becomes the LSP.
That's not true. I would say that I would have more privacy using a private mobile node wallet than you using a public node.
Read more here:
I could easily run a decoy node that could manage all the public liquidity for my private mobile nodes... and you will never find where/who am I.
Fun fact: did you know that with OBW and hosted channels, each time I generate an invoice to be paid it sends a different nodeID each time? I could easily have a decoy node with Poncho plugin providing hosted channels for myself into my OBW and you will never find out the real destination. Read more here:
I hear you and thank you for the feedback as well as the links to some of your writings, but a few key point to consider: This article was directed to the non-tech savvy user so that they can start to dispel the myth that LN is private by default and in the case of mobile wallets i was largely referring to custodial wallets that most people use. The solution you mentioned for invoice generation is a no-brainer to someone with some level of technical proficiency but not to your average user. These are people that just want a frictionless UX, which today the LN is yet to realise especially if you want to use it a non-custodial way. I will dive into the materials you sent, nonetheless and i appreciate you taking time to read my article.