I'd like to see the culture become more conservative, cautious & exercising verification procedures on mass and understand how/why this is important.
I'd like to see the culture become less about chasing hopium news headlines and price rationalizations and macro naval gazing and more about best practices for technical Bitcoin usage and protocol development.
I'd like to see the culture exercise their sovereignty by running nodes, configuring nodes for their preferences and being vocal about why.
I'd like to see the Bitcoin culture become informed sovereign citizens of this emerging society, Instead of larping as something else.
I'd like to see less harm and gaslighting via nihlistic phrasing designed to disempower you from understanding and participating fully in Bitcoin-ing.
I'd like the Bitcoin development culture to be more humble than they already are about the choices they make and the narratives they push.
I'd like to see more Bitcoin implementation options for everything from full packages, to mempool options, to toggles for pruning your node for things like witness pruning for specific harmful spam.
I'd like to see MASF become recognized culturally for the harmful activation method it is.
I'd like to see the Bitcoin culture be worthy of Bitcoin.
Very extensive approach to the question)