Use a separate device for all those crap apps that require google services. Keep your bitcoin device CLEAN from shit.
Any app that still require google services, even with Aurora using a ghost mode user, it still have access to your IMEI, location etc...
The whole idea of de-googleing a device is to NOT install back ANY google services. Aurora still use those services and is installing them automatically.
I will NOT install any app that require google services. F-droid is another bullshit... all apks from F-droid are already from github. So why using a 3rd party, only for signing the apps and search them when you could just download them directly from the source, github or direct link?
Obtainium is very clean and easy. You just point it to the github repo, so you are sure is the REAL one and done, you are alerted when there's a new update. Clean, private, no bullshit.
The convenience of using F-Droid is that it will show you the updates of the apps you have already installed so that you do not have to check each of them yourself.
Obtainium is doing that as well.
I need to look at Obtainium.