I was browsing the other day through your website. Is nice and good material. One thing I wanted to point out: please don't use any reference to bitcoin.com website (I found it on 2 articles). That website is a SCAM entirely and could mislead your readers, is run by all BCH gang.
Also please avoid mentioning Coinbase. They are the enemies of Bitcoin. This is serious, not a joke of FUD. See more here: #135727
It's about protecting your readers from scams. Teach them well if you want to follow the right path.
Hey thanks for the compliment :)
We found one reference to bitcoin.com in our Debunking The Top 10 Bitcoin Myths article... but can't seem to locate the other. Let us know if you see it and we'll kill it.
just go to your OWN site - search and put coinbase. Bingo! A bunch of articles will show up, related to Coinbase.
We were referring to bitcoin.com not Coinbase
both are scams