Oh @Rsync25 shared this here as well. I didn't heave the heart to shill my shitty nix code :)
Just to give you some background - I made this for running nix on my home lightning node. Should have probably used from the start but had some issues and said ok no need to bother with PRs I can make a simple MVP from scratch. At least I learned a lot on the way...
That's awesome! I am not very in-depth with Bitcoin Mix, but I started studying this year after mainly Fedmint. I recommend you to continue developing either MVP, PoC, Nix Lightning prototype, because the more alternatives on the market, the better it will be for the end user.
Much appreciated. I'm weaning myself off the umbrel raspberry pi thing, and I am planning on running nixOS for my new node. I will not be using a raspberry pi any longer, though. I'm looking for a more robust hardware setup.