Unfortunately, there are still many services and stores that do not support LN, so sometimes you still have to use onchain
It is your duty to educate them and help them to use LN. I live only with BTC from 2018 and I pay anything I need over LN with BTC.
Saying that shops are not accepting BTC/LN is kinda dumb or you are living in a deserted dumb place with NPCs. Many examples here: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/bitcoin-lightning-irl-examples https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/pay-bills-with-bitcoin
Make it happen, do not just wait to happen...
It's not dumb, it's a fact. Especially in my country. A lot of private stores or services here operate legally and are very afraid to use Bitcoin for payments. My arguments and attempts to convince them won't work here, because they might just lose their business.
I'm very glad you've been living up to the Bitcoin standard for so long. But alas, it is not possible to implement it 100% everywhere.
it is not possible to implement it 100% everywhere.
It is possible when people want it....
I agree with that, yes.